The weekly class assemblies in October incorporated songs, skits and discussions on little acts of kindness that all of us could engage in on a day –to-day basis followed by a strong message to do an act of kindness every day and note it down on a coloured leaf template. In the following week, the KGS Assembly wall came alive with a mural of several Kindness Trees with thousands of leaves filled with their kindness deeds. This kindness mural captured the little deeds of kindness that every child at KGS had done during the entire week. The flow of such good deeds never stopped at KGS as the students were motivated to share their act of kindness and pass on their message of kindness to at least five other members outside the school community. Every child at KGS from KG to Grade 5 either made or bought friendship bands. They tied it to the members in the wider community, which included friends and relatives in the nearby community. Several students were taken to the GGICO metro station and nearby areas to spread their kindness message ‘Do a kind deed and spread a smile’ as they tied the friendship bands to the commuters and visitors. They in turn had to do an act of kindness and pass on the friendship band to another colleague. This chain reaction of doing a kind deed, set the ball of kindness rolling at KGS and in the wider community. Imagine 5600 KGS students doing their acts of kindness, tying friendship bands and passing on this message to at least 5 other members of the community! The end result of this SEWA endeavor was conceivably 5600 students of KGS and 25000 members from the wider community having done a kindness deed bringing smiles to thousands of other members in the community who benefitted by these little acts of kindness.
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